Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Representing the best and still staying true to yourself in life. No apology, but good to reflect. :) 

I say if you feel pretty, go ahead and post a good selfie of yourself... If you don't feel good, you may want to try to refrain posting something like "the world is full of s**^%!" Because I believe you receive what you have given out. If you don't feel great, watch a movie, read a book, cry or talk to god! ✌🏼️

Good management of your own emotions is so important these days. Think about how you affect other people reading your public posts? Think about people who is already having a bad tome wanting to feel better by reading positve stuffs! Think about yourself! What would your future self feels if you were reading your previous rant?

The world has goodness and also evil. We are responsible on how we respond to situations. That's life, deal with it thinking about social responsibility! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stay hungry, stay foolish

Today, this age where everything is available, it's a constant everyday struggle to stary humble and have that great attitude to continue learning instead of showing off what you know.. listening instead of voicing your opinion and the list goes on. The late Steve Jobs, co founder of Apple has this saying which if we apply them to our daily lives, the world, or let's narrow down to the point of the story, yourself will much better off. As long as we thirst for knowledge, stay humble enough to know that you don't know the things you don't know and stay foolish to be able to always have that state of mind that you're going to learn something new today be it a reminder or new angle.
As a Herbalife coach, Jim Rohn always reminds us to be a student... A student leader, not a follower. These words allow us to stay grounded, knowing where we came from... and act as a great reminder of how far you came and it's not a waste.. No self pity, just do a little bit better than yesterday.
Here's a photo of me with a good friend, right after we graduated from college 5 1/2 years  


Here's us again, 2013, we took a trip to Kuching. Rather a good before after, no matter where you go in life, if you have someone you can call a friend, I think that's important. No amount of success can take away the importance of friendships or any relationships. The same cores and values inside, just different experiences. The hope of becoming wiser each day... Doesn't matter if you get beaten, or off track.. but you have that "friendship goal" set in life.
Just like exercise, friendships or anything is about making time...

As just I posted my recent photo after much (behind the scenes) gruelling 80 % doing my best to eat right and 20% of consistent and persistent workout (gym/park/group fitness/their time/my time) it pays off. And people don't see that because it's a personal experience you have to go through. The times where you really want to have room service at the hotel, but I chose yogurt and sugar free choc snack. That paid off, that week I lost almost 3 1/2 pounds! It's really not that hard, but you have to have the will and desire to achieve it and action action action! That's why I choose to get my nutrition first thing in the morning with my Herbalife shake. It's just part of my lifestyle now, and I choose to share it with others who inspire me back when they get their results.
We simply have fun adding healthy active lifestyle activities while getting our best nutrition plan on. Want your personalized meal plan and join our active lifestyle movement today? :) WHATSAPP me at +60123872682. :) It's simply just a lot of imagination and hard work put into it. I believe it's because I made a decision 5 years ago, that's where the results is. I am sure anyone can achieve their dreams if they decide today. :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

October blessings

October is pretty much represented with the photo above. It was Singapore 5-7th oct, Bangkok 14th-21st oct and Kuching, Sarawak 26-27th Oct. 13/31 days from home. Thank God for this opportunity... Because it is in the Sagittarius blood we're born to explore! 

Mr prasad bhat and his son Nandan bhat. 1st and 2nd generation in business after 13 years in Herbalife. I will forever be grateful with their nutrition club sharing... 
And then I was back home doing some last training for 5k run that would be taking place in bangkok.... 

Looking not too bad after a good run. I finished at 38 minutes. Holding the 3rd place cup is President's team Clint who is finished at 22mins. He is already on the products for more than 12 years! So 7 more years for me! And lots more training! My dad didn't do too bad he finished before 30 mins at 53 years old! 

Running teaches a lot like finishing strong because it is so easy to stop to catch a breath.. But you know you gotta reach the finish line...

I think this is something to be taken seriously by all who aspire to be leaders. It is like running.... How can you tell someone to run towards the finish line if you don't do it first? 

I spent 13 days out of the city and it is still my duty to perform as a leader... I'm on my way to his and hers herbalife watches and Mont Blanc pen and awt 2014... Completing VIP and party for Spectacular is a must! And i already decided for Bali next year! :) 

One of the things we learned at the FPTR is throwing the cap up the wall like john f Kennedy did as a boy. He wasn't allowed to climb the wall as it was too dangerous but because he purposely threw his cap up he had no choice but to climb and grab it because he wanted to see what's beyond those walls! 

Wow! What a wisdom.... I think if you truly want to become a leader you leave no room for excuses... If everybody tell you it's too dangerous to climb that wall, create an excuse for yourself to climb it because when you do, you will be likely to only have pain of discipline climbing the obstacles vs pain of regret thinking 10 years forward why you didn't try at all! 

First step is to always stay close to people who is willing to mentor you.... Those who want your success.... Behind those smile is the tears and sweat of labor.. And there's more to come! No problem, keep a great attitude and continue the work.... I believe that even an eagle needs some guidance... 

And you need friends along the way... These are friends and mentors that made it possible to where I am today in life and herbalife. A collective of experiences and their stories gives me the strength to keep moving forward. Important to choose your association wisely. Not by status but people who wish nothing more than your success and happiness in life. :) precious are those who cries with you when your are sad and laugh with you when you're happy! 
There were two pair of individuals that we were all so proud of.... That represented malaysia assuming their new duties as leaders as Get teams. :) 
The group of people that continues to give us hope in making the community healthier.... May they grow in person, learn and contribute back! The Gen h upcoming leaders... The older generation to pave the way for their family's future..

My baby team. New senior consultants and qualified producers.... 

This gen h team I'm so proud of. From zero, to Spectacular as 25% now to 4 supervisors and one last cut world team and dream team retreat. Full time engineering students and with 2 hours serious part time to build their herbalife career..

This lady in red.... Girl on fire. Background nurse, now full time with herbalife Lost 22kg in 4 months now last cut of dream team retreat! Go awt 2014 kak Suhaila! 

This used to be Suhaila! Amazing? :) 

Another one is an associate professor for a local uni, kak Muna and pak Ghani... Awt 2013 in 4 months after supervisors... Qualified local retreat, qualified VIP extravaganza... Last dream team retreat qualifiers... Amazing couple! 

Pic credit to sue. We just opened Cambodia 1st November if you know anyone there please let me know!!

Life is never too fast for giving back to people who need em... Us at the herbalife family foundation event in bangkok over usd 400k raised.

Neither too fast for a bowl of ice kacang on a hot day. :) 

For healthy active  lifestyle wellness program with 
Herbalife do contact me at felicia at 0123872682 or

Monday, August 19, 2013

Why people Fail? Coz they stopped learning, and trying

From Clint's training yesterday about having a story. Working today and looking back and say it's all worth it, taking your Herbalife shake not just for the sake of taking it, but to get results. #reflection

My Story: Started from an Oily faced college graduate student. 

Looking back the 5 years journey... it's only by divine intervention and a lot of hope, faith, courage in the midst of fear.... and lot of personal development by teachers from when I was a child till now.... It's the tough teachers that make you grow... The only reason you see successful individuals and get inspired it's because of what they went through, not necessarily by material things. 

It's the hardship, the rejections, the believing in yourself before anyone else did, that mould someone. 

Bagaimana acuannya, begitulah kuihnya? Betul? So make sure acuan betul ya...  

There's no easy way, like Mark Hughes always said, we can give you all the tablets, and shakes and flyers.. but you're going to be the one to make the shake, swallow the tablets... and give out the flyers. 

You got to have the BEST ATTITUDE first, then results come. If you don't take the program correctly can you get results? Er... So, if you don't learn well, you don't do well... Learning, capture the right things.... 

I truly believe that. It's just the first steps, now stepping into my quarter life in a couple of months. 
"Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprint. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming" - Jim Rohn

#reponsibility #owningyourlife #takecharge

And some BEST things in life are not all monetary. It's in the moments.

Having friends while learning from them. Ibu Dame is a degree holder of chinese studies from Indonesia. She's an example of leadership to many women. Her own sister, who was a maternity nurse (bidan), is also a President's Team in Herbalife. This is from Herbalife Family Foundation dinner, this dinner costed RM1000 per pax, proceeds to the Casa Herbalife children around 89 countries. 

Have dinner with the millionaires, amazing night that raised over USD 1 million with bidding.. It was the energy we got from the amazing humble and generous people we met.. Just a humbling experience...

And we shall see her at Bootcamp, have you gotten your tickets yet for 24-25 August 2013??

You get time in business, and with your family (make sure you always include them in your activities)
Just counting the years you have with your loved ones, there's not much left really. Make time... Even though sometimes you can't stand each other (lol) mother-daughter on the way to Bangkok

A picture with my cousin in Melbourne, Herbalife paid vacation... You know the expression, the world is your oyster? Pun not intended. ;) Always a dream to hang out at Docklands, Melbourne (the way i've always imagined it in the Mills and Boons novels, haha) Well, mental checklist (ticked) 

This is what we do. Changing nutritional habits in the community...

At the market, roadshow... a teacher who decided to get started for her health, and her family of 8... Do your part..... 

May not be as glamorous, but hey, this is what we do service to the community...service to many..
Some will, some won't, no problem, the next one will.... 

It doesn't matter how crazy you may seem right now.... If you type failure in google search, you may see alot of names, J K Rowling who got rejected by several publishers and became one of the richest authors because of Harry Potter, Walt Disney was "not creative" but won the hearts of the entire world now.... the many successful names now, has once or many time failed. but they never stopped trying... 

Winners are called winners because they never stopped. They try again again and again and again... 


It's not said enough..... 

The BIGGER the WHY, the EASIER the HOW! Jim Rohn....

If you can list WHY you want to be Successful VS WHY you cannot be Successful? I suggest you do the first list.... We are not born, labeled as failures, or shy, or NOT going to be successful, or ordinary person.... Equal opportunity for everyone to achieve what the heart's desire.. Life provides everything you want if you have two things....goals, willingness to learn and do and desire. Be sure to balance it alot with Personal Development, Jim Rohn always said, Work Harder on yourself that you do on your job. We can always be better... a better person, a better daughter/son/mother/father/wife/husband.... 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

EXTRAVAGANZA Bangkok 14-16th June 2013: THE STORY of Bucket Vs. Teaspoon

EXTRAVAGANZA is high energy event that one can take a peek at what their future holds for them. There's no limit, there's no place for doubts or negativity. Just embrace the 25,000 people excitement, fun, spirit....


NO #1

Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you." - Jim Rohn

You're going to go with many challenges. But you made the decision, you fought your way to be there. You made it to EXTRAVAGANZA with blood, sweat and tears, make sure you're prepared to receive it. THE REASONS why you're there. JOURNAL your feelings and emotions. Take LOTS of good photos, BRING A BUCKET, not a teaspoon... FILL IT UP! 

Make a DECISION, come back and put ACTION. 

Few reminders. International adaptors to charge your electronic goodies. camera etc.... It's less than RM50 for a UNIVERSAL ADAPTER.  

FM Radio (WALKMAN/MP3) Extravaganza is an INTERNATIONAL EVENTS with at least 10 languages translated. Make sure you go prepared WITH BATTERIES ( ALOT OF THEM!) and a good/reliable FM RADIO. Get it at your local eletrical store if you haven't yet. Nobody should lend out their personal FM radio, no sharing! 

You need one FM Radio MP3 and one Earphone/headset EACH!

CLICK CLICK CLICK. CAPTURE! Photo is to collect stories/testimonials from People you're going to meet. Weight loss/Life changing stories, success! :) 

JOURNAL your feelings, thoughts, ideas, emotions. During post meeting/sharing, SHARE 3 things you learned/ that touched you, and THE ACTION you're going to take next. 


LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Send the BEST thoughts, energy for yourself and your loved ones. Make sure all preparation are done, bring your shakes, bring your ethusiasm and excitement, travel documents: PASSPORT/MONEY. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Work in Progress #WIP

Yesterday we were having a little fellowship with a colleague after a meeting. He has been doing Herbalife for the past 7 years. A humble person, loving husband, a man of God, and everything nice you find in a person. The best part about being in this field, you meet different kinds of people, personalities, character, and the reason why they're in Herbalife. Staying in business for long term, and it's interesting how you find similarities, because I'm sure birds of the same feathers flock together, maybe in different types of personalities and background, but you know how we see our reflection in the mirror sometimes?

Anyway he was sharing how they could fly to Europe for a few weeks to make a dream wedding happen for their niece, whose mum is a single mum. If you have financial and TIME freedom, those are priceless moments. :) 

Nobody is perfect, everybody is struggling in keeping the balance of being a wholesome person. Physical, spiritual, family... I recalled back what Bea Bos, Chairman's Club said in the Macau World Team School in 2012, we're all WORK IN PROGRESS. 

Yea, I think whether as a person in life, in career, family, relationships, herbalife customer or moreso herbalife distributors, you find yourself doing the above. I've been in many situations like that where I may felt I couldn't balance it all, or may be still trying to do that now. So take your first step starting today... 

Jim Rohn said, Start from where you are and with what you have. If you're broke, start broke, if you're sick, start there.... Where you start is not where you'll end up to be if you make that decision to make some changes in your philosophies and life. 

My dad, the one that's always right, even when you hate to admit it, "If you cannot take the first step, you won't take the next (2nd) step" True. So, let's take the immediate next step. Wanna lose 10kg, take first step to lose the first 2kg! Wanna have a better future? Go Extravaganza Bangkok! 

 Tickets are apparently sold out, but good news it extended till today (29th April) 5pm! So, get to your coach, to get your ticket. I cannot say enough, to say how Extravaganza has changed my life to see the future that I could designed. It was 4 years back. I'm thankful. I truly am grateful that I took the leap of faith to go see something I knew nothing of. It was not an easy decision, but I believed that  I could find an answer and I did. :)

Jim Rohn said in his Exceptional Living tape, WHY NOT YOU? Eating at those neat sidewalk cafes in Paris? (pic above). I sat in my office cubicle listened to Jim Rohn tapes during lunch time imagining myself in Paris believe it or not. And it happened. 

Disclaimer: Herbalife actually modelled the best parts of Paris (moulin rouge, metropolitan, sidewalk cafes)  inside the finale party during Summit! How cool? It was too cold anyways to be sitting on the sidewalk cafes in Paris, so Herbalife made it happened for us! 

Herbalife for Life. Gen H! :D :D 

And a little trip I took on my own in Amalfi, because I found it in the map while planning a quick getaway before Paris. It was a great soul searching trip, that I think only made possible because I chose to see what Herbalife could offer or was it for me? Helping people to achieve what they want in health and wealth, and going for my dreams too! 

If you're already a distributor, find your coach now to get your ticket. If you're not and interested to look into how to design the life that you want by losing some extra weight or making part time income, contact me at 0125302682, Felicia or :) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely

Recently a friend asked me, "Why do you live so simple?" "You're still the same" I smiled, and this is what I answered, "Money doesn't change who I am" Then I thought of Jim Rohn's quote that has said something about money and lifestyle, first is that many can earn well, not many cannot live well.

And secondly, money only magnifies more of what you are. If you hand a  gambler with money, guess what he will do with the money?

Recent trip: Amalfi Coast, having breakfast facing the Azure Sea. 

I'm grateful that I have an opportunity to discover many ways to live a unique lifestyle. And so speaking of a unique lifestyle, I went on a five days journey in Southern Italy to perfect my "Il dolce far niente" The art of doing nothing. Time wasn't wasted, I had 14 hours plane ride, 5 hours of train ride, and 1 hour bus ride to reach Amalfi. 20 hours journey! 

View of the coast from the hotel I'm staying at. Cloudy weather and winter makes it breathtaking. 20 hours journey and waking up to this is worth it! 

BEST Pizza in Naples. At Sorbillo's , I personally tried both Da Michele and Sorbillo, but I prefer Da Michele. 

Just like what Julia Roberts said.

Best espresso at Piazza Dante, at Cafe Mexico, Naples! :) BEST!

Statue of father of italian language at the Piazza. Y U NO USE Herbalife? 
This is what I felt the statue was saying! :D 

#thewongs at Summit Paris! Dream it Believe it Achieve it!
We will be in Hawaii Honors 2014 with our team! Yes! 

The original FIT CLUB peeps that was in the Herbalife US Fit club, Hannah and Val from California! Amazing! They are so tall in real life! 

HFF Dinner at the Louvre Carousel. With the dinner and live auction, we raised USD 1 million for the Herbalife Family Foundation!! :) 

And so I met the guy that said everything that was true at Singapore Extravaganza 2010, Mr Dan Waldron. Amazing story, can you believe he was a furniture repairman earning $7.50 once? 30 years on Herbalife nutrition! Phew! Who would've thought? Meet him in Bangkok Extravaganza 2013! 
Life changing Experience!!! 

Remember I was this girl, who had a big dream. I'm grateful that Herbalife found me, and I found a mission in life that was aligned with my philosophies and values, Changing People's Lives, yes, indeed it has changed mine and my family. It's through hard work, imagination, learning, relearning and staying power to be here where I am, let's make this the best journey of our lives. Afterall you only live one. #yolo! ;) 

For health or business enquiries about Herbalife, kindly contact me at +60125302682 or, or ;)